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It’s been quite long when I penned down something. Here it goes, something that has been carved straight from the heart, something that came from a real life experience.

I sit, I look back,
Lost in the lanes of memory track,
Drowning in the waves of reminiscences chain,
A trauma flashes, like lightning does, before heavy rain,
And I see everything going black,
What happened to be spectacular and dazzling,
Suddenly transformed into cloudy, moonless sky darkening,
Nothing does make sense out of that shade,
I still keep looking with eyes wide,
A ray of hope, that might change something,
And I would again be the younger being,
Rightly they say, one has to pay for one wrong done,
Or was it one right that went mistakenly wrong?

I sit, I look back,
Delving into the threads of memory strangling,
I realize each moment is beautiful and a blessing,
That anything can happen in a trice,
And life turns upside down without asking any price,
All beautiful trails changed in a single stroke,
Leaving traumatised, emotionally and mentally broke,

I sit, I fantasize drowning in a reverie,
Looking myself in the mirror of Erised,
I glance my heart’s truest desires carved,
Is it a coincidence mere,
Or really the deepest desire,
Reflection it shows, is nothing special,
All it appears is a mirror typical,
For all I wish is to be the same old me,
Exuberant, cheerful and carefree.

Some say, you understand importance of something only after you loose it. Truth is, you always knew the importance, you just never imagined losing it ever.


A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. When you wake up, take a second to think about what a privilege it is to simply be alive and healthy. The moment you start acting like life is a blessing, I assure you it will start to feel like one.

Copyright © 2016, Aashish Barnwal,  Some rights reserved.

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And so the college life has ended,
With so many feelings, lying in the heart beneath,
Left with memories we all spent together,
Best buddies who will be missed forever,
We will meet again, that’s the hope,
A little responsible, a little matured,
When “committed” will be no more a word,
When we will think twice before make others hurt,
No matter what shape the life will take,
Moments we lived, will never fade,
Waiting for us, is a new life ahead,
Full of opportunities, new paths to create,
With such long time spent, flew like a trice,
Hard to wave Good Bye, with eyes moist,
Oh! Why the feeling is so strange, distressing it is,
Like the fall of a leaf in a silent breeze,
Is it time to laugh, or time to cry,
Stay in touch, nothing more to say.

Copyright © 2015, Aashish Barnwal,  All rights reserved.

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I usually do not write diaries. Since this is probably the best two days of my life, I thought to pen it down.
24th September 2012: A great day for me. Hired by Microsoft, India.

I traveled to Hyderabad to attend an event organized by Microsoft, called the New Hire’s Day on 8-9th march 2013. I with my friend Abhinav boarded flight on 7th march from Bhubaneswar. We were more excited as this was our first trip by air and that too fully sponsored by MS. We were warm welcomed on the Hyderabad airport. We were taken to the Re:gen:ta One(Five star hotel). We were the first one to arrive Hyderabad(7th afternoon). So we kept on exploring the hotel room. The hotel was awesome and it had everything you can think of. The only thing it missed that there was no lock in the bathroom. 😛 Anyways, i enjoyed a lot. I have attached few pictures of the hotel.





People started landing from different parts of the country right from the 7th evening. We interacted with few of them. I met my roomie Akshit Khurana, a very cool guy. Each of us received packages in the hotel itself which included a MS T-shirt and schedule of the event to be held in the next two days. The great thing was that color of the T-shirt represented team so that we could find it easy to interact with members of same team. We were supposed to wear the T-shirts on the next day.

The main event started on 8th morning. We were taken to the MS campus at 8:30 AM. We got NHD I-cards which was representing a random team name (This had nothing to do with our actual teams). The event started with some talks(as of our surprise, it was not boring, we enjoyed it fully) from great leaders regarding careers @Microsoft and how they did it, followed by a tea break. Then, we had an ice-breaker session. This was a kind of intro program so that we could mingle with each other in our team and know the team and its product better. We had great fun together. Everyone was interactive. MS is full of smart people where you get a chance to learn from everyone. We learned about the products more closely we would be working on. We also played some games together. Few of us got goodies too. Within half an hour, the environment melted and we had interacted with most of us. The session ended on 1:00 PM.
At about 2:30 PM, academia session started. They told us how MS is organizing varieties of events like http://Code.Fun.Do in different colleges to pick up the talented people apart from campus hires. There was a discussion on how they could improve such programs and events.

One of the best things in MS is that the working life is very flexible here. You can come at any time and leave at any time. There are many exciting things in the campus which won’t make you feel bored and which make it a wonderful place to work. We(I and Abhinav) played Kinect(first time) where your physical activities are synchronized with the game. It was an amazing experience.
There was a photo session where we had a lot of pictures(by MS of course). I will attach it once they upload it.

Real fun begins.
The main fun began at about 5:00 PM. We were clustered in the hall for group photo session where the environment suddenly became noisy and some of the previous year hires started dancing. Then everyone went mad and each of us jumped onto the dance floor to rock on. We danced a lot. We also got chance to visit the MS campus. Guys I must say the campus is beautiful and amazing. One eye catcher is that you will find road running from the 7th floor of the building. Then it was time for some D.J. We all danced a lot (even me, and I’m not one who likes to dance) and had dinner. There were some small games. People got chocolates for winning it. The food was great. This ended the first day at Microsoft.





The next day was something challenging for us. We were told to group together with team name as indicated in our NHD I-cards. We faced Engineering Challenge. We were given some stuff and we had to make a mechanical structure. The major challenge was that they told us to do it in steps. Design. Implement. Test. The main objective was to make us learn how to work in a team while having fun. We had a lot of fun together. Special thanks to Richa Bansal, Aarif Jindani, Manish Kumar, Saurabh Agarwal, Ritu Lakhotia, Amritha Raghunath, Prateek Agarwal , Naresh Kumar and Harshit Pahuja. It was almost done, we just missed something. It was really fun interacting with you guys. Cheers. 🙂 🙂

The one thing which makes MS an amazing place is that nobody cares how you look and what is your background. The only thing which they care is work hard and party harder.

All good things come to an end..
They were right. After the NHD, you will keep on counting the days of your joining. Great food. Free cold drinks. Beautiful and amazing campus. Smart and innovative people. Diverse culture. Everything just blew away my mind.

And here is the pic of the day. I am the one in the middle. Red represents office team 🙂
Copyright © 2013, Aashish Barnwal,  All rights reserved.
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